

鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
OUTEIAN Japanese garden

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  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ

京懐石料理 鶯啼庵の日本庭園は、本館・新館前に二種類の水景があり、高低差に富んだ迫力ある眺めが楽しめる。

In the Japanese garden of Outeian, a restaurant serving Kyoto-style tea ceremony cuisine, there are two types of waterscape, one for the main Japanese-style house and one for the new house, with differences in elevation creating an impressive and enjoyable view.

In order to create comfortable garden light, that is enjoyed not only from inside each room, but also during strolls, existing flat, flood lighting was replaced with a lighting plan to delicately illuminate greeny from the inside out.
Maples and other medium sized trees are illuminated with 2700K warm-white light and taller trees, like the Zelkova, are lit with 4000K (white light) to 5000K (daylight) to create depth in the garden along with color contrast. Reflections of ripples shimmering on the surface of the pond seem to slow down time as guests enjoy the sights and sounds of the garden.
Ball and cylinder shaped bamboo lights are scattered throughout the garden for a playful touch during the autumn and winter garden season.

総合監修/ General Supervision:株式会社 水澤工務店 / Mizusawa Komuten Inc.
Photography by Taizo Kato

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  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ
  • 鶯啼庵 庭園ライトアップ